our plan
Creating Homes for Communities
Organisational Growth
Birribee Housing provides a culture and client centred services including:
- Tier 1 registration under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH)
- Establish a portfolio of properties, under management, development and ownership
- Collaborate with Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) and Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to facilitate and pursue opportunities for new housing
- Maintain a strong Risk Strategy and Plan, led by Board of Directors and implemented by senior management
Housing Service Excellence
- Become the Aboriginal Community Housing Provider of choice by providing exceptional housing outcomes
- Increase Aboriginal Community grounded support and engagement
- Establish local support service networks
- Positioning of tenancy support staff within local Aboriginal communities Collaborate with local Aboriginal Land Councils for service delivery Be externally accountable to peak industry body Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA)
Engaging Aboriginal Communities
- Establish local place based plans for Aboriginal Communities in collaboration with Community
- Implement a strength based and culturally appropriate Active Tenancy Management System
- Develop Tenant Advisory Groups and encourage direct feedback
- Promote involvement and engagement with Aboriginal owned and managed businesses in the Community
Social Return on Investment
- Incorporate an evidence-based investment approach
- Establish systems and data to measure health, social, education and employment outcomes
- Establish community partnerships for delivery of services and Housing Pathways
- Active participation in Community events
- Pursue co-design delivery methods where possible
Building our Capacity
- Establish a fit for purpose IT infrastructure
- Develop an internal Aboriginal Staff Recruitment Strategy
- Enable and strengthen opportunities for career development and advancements
- Promote involvement and engagement with Aboriginal owned and managed businesses in the CommunityEngage Aboriginal businesses to support the delivery of housing and services
- Develop an organisational profile and working culture that attracts and retains highly experienced employees